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Classroom Lesson

Infection Prevention
and Control

Customized IPC training tailored to your facility needs

Training Programs 

IPC Training for Doctors

A (3) Day IPC training program for doctors, which includes the following:

Day (1) Training:

1- Classification of micro-organisms

2- Medically important bacteria vs environmental bacteria in hospitals

Day (2) Training:

3- Normal flora and opportunists

4- Antimicrobial use and resistance

Day (3) Training:

5- Treatment of MDR bacteria using mono-therapy and combined therapy

6- Reading culture sensitivity results

IPC Training for Paramedical Staff

A (6) Day IPC training program for paramedical staff (Nursing - Nursing Assistants

- Anesthesia Technicians, Hygienists etc... ) which includes the following:

Day (1)- The organizational structure for infection control and prevention at your facility 

Day (2)- Hand sanitation (hand cleaning and disinfection - wearing protective clothing (theoretical + practical)

Day (3)- Selection of cleaning materials, disinfection and sterilization - environmental disinfection (theoretical + practical)

Day (4)- Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of surgical instruments and equipment (theoretical + practical)

Day (5)- Prevention of Surgical Site Infection (SSI) - wound dressings - safe injections (theoretical + practical)

Day (6)- Medical Waste Disposal - Dealing with Contaminated Textiles (Theoretical + Practical)

Microorganisms of Healthcare

Associated Infections (HAIs) Training for laboratory technicians

A (6) Day training program aimed to develop trainees, laboratory technicians, in identifying nosocomial infection bacteria. The program includes theoretical and practical training, which will include the following:

Day (1) Training:

1- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

2- Preparation of bacterial suspension (experiments on real specimens)

3- Quality control of stains and culture media

Day (2) Training:

4- Antimicrobial agents, use, misuse, and resistance

5- Growing of bacteria on culture media

Day (3) Training: 
6- Bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents

7- Antimicrobial sensitivity testing using CLSI 2016 guideline

Day (4) Training;

8- Epidemiology of bacterial sequence types in some Libyan hospitals

9- Results interpretation and writing report to doctors

Day (5) Training:

10- Role of medical microbiology in detecting nosocomial bacteria 1

11- Synergism experiments

Day (6) Training: 

12- Role of medical microbiology in detecting nosocomial bacteria 2

13- Synergism experiments (Reading results)

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